super bowl
on February 10, 2011
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Comic
Characters: Beargor, Flying Squirrelja, Galesaur, Gregcoon, Helenlion, Nick, Patbird, Turkwillie, Varunshark
Well, it wasn’t as exciting as a certain other malfunction (yes I am alluding to that thing that must be mentioned when speaking of any halftime show since 2004), but hey! As always, the Super Bowl was a delicious and entertaining time.
Also, announcement: if you’re going to Katsucon, you should come visit me in the Artist’s Alley! I’ll be sharing a table with Helen Li of Red Crane Graphics, so you can expect a thrilling visual mishmash of awesome. Patbird will not be in attendance, sadly, but I will do my best to exude enough personality for the both of us.
That might not be a good thing.
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